At the moment, there is no feature like an inventory or backpack where you can find and manage all of your equipment, resources, and materials.

However, here are the tips on where to find that information. 


When you click on the blacksmith in the village, you can go into the „Dismantle” tab and select „All” to see what items you own. 

Keep in mind that the items that are currently equipped on your heroes will not be shown here. 


Crafting Materials

All crafting materials you own can be found at the blacksmith in the village at the top of the screen. 


Owned resources such as Ascension Orbs, Shards, Skill Tomes, XP Scrolls, Gold, Beers, Keys and Essence are listed in various places.

When opening the overview of an item at the trader, you will find the number of this specific resource owned at the top right side corner.

At the tavern in the village when you select a hero, at the top you will find amount of owned Gold, XP Scrolls and Hero Tokens.

On the bottom, you will find the amount of gold, elemental Shards/Crystals/Cores and Essence that you currently have (owned amount is shown on the left and on the right side you will find the amount you need to upgrade the hero). 

When you enter the chapel in the village and select a hero, you can also see the amount of owned Ascension Orbs and Gold (on the left is the amount you own and on the right is the amount you need to ascend a hero). 

On the screen of the village, at the top you will also find the amount of owned Crystals, Gold and Beers.

On the adventure tab, when you select a region and a regular stage, you will also find the amount of owned Crystals, Gold, Beers and Golden Hourglasses. 

When you select a region and a dungeon stage you will also find the amount of owned Crystals, Gold, Keys and Crimson Hourglasses.