Everyday Heroes - Anything but ordinary! This banner is always available and gives you a wide range of heroes for your everyday basic needs.



PrimarySlimingSingle Target Damage 80% ATK. 25% Chance to inflict AGI Down for 1 Turn.
SecondaryRegenerationHeals itself for 35% of it’s Max HP (2 rounds cooldown).


PrimaryChick FuSingle target damage 80% ATK. 25% chance to inflict Def Down for 2 turns.
SecondaryStir UpRandom ally receives ATK UP for 2 turns (2 rounds cooldown).


PrimaryFright BiteSingle Target Damage 80% ATK. 25% chance to inflict Crit Chance Down for 2 turns.
SecondaryDroolerSingle Target Damage 100% ATK. Dispels a Buff (2 rounds cooldown).


PrimaryRamSingle Target Damage 90% ATK.
SecondaryLull80% Chance to inflict Sleep for 2 Turns on all enemies (2 rounds cooldown).


PrimaryPlague BiteSingle Target Damage 80%. 25% Chance to inflict Sick for 2 Turns.
SecondaryPlague Carrier

All Enemies Damage 30%. 25% Chance to inflict Sick for 2 Turns (3 rounds cooldown).



PrimaryBone BreakerSingle Target Damage 100% ATK.
SecondaryRevenantPassiv: Has a 40% Chance to revive itself on Death (15 rounds cooldown).


PrimaryDeath's BreathSingle target + 2 Adjacent Ones are Damaged by 50%.
SecondaryCannibalismPassiv: Receives Absorbing at the Start of every Turn.


PrimaryHauntSingle Target Damage 80% ATK. 25% chance to inflict Cursed for 1 turns.
SecondarySpectral ShiftReceives Shroud for 1 Turns (3 rounds cooldown).


PrimarySwoopSingle target damage 70% ATK.
SecondaryBombardmentAll enemies damage 40% ATK (2 rounds cooldown).


PrimaryWing BeatAll enemies damage 50% ATK

Single target damage 80% ATK. Heals 20% HP of inflicted damage (2 rounds cooldown).



PrimaryStone ClawSingle target damage 80% ATK. 25% chance to inflict Petrified for 2 turns.
SecondaryStone GarglerAll enemies damage 60% ATK. 25% chance to inflict Petrified for 2 turns (3 rounds cooldown).


PrimaryPincerSingle target damage 100% ATK.
SecondaryPoison Sting

Single target damage 80% ATK. 60% chance to inflict Poison for 2 turns (2 rounds cooldown).



PrimaryRollerSingle target damage 80%ATK. 20% chance to inflict Res Down for 2 turns.
SecondaryStink Bomb

Single Target Damage 100% ATK. 60% Chance to inflict Def Down for 2 Turns (2 rounds cooldown).



PrimaryVenomous BiteSingle Target Damage 80% ATK. 10% Chance to inflict Stunning.

All Enemies 60% Chance to inflict Sleep for 2 turns (3 rounds cooldown).




PrimaryDemon's FireballSingle target damage 100% ATK. 60% chance to inflict Sick for 1 turn.

Single target damage 120%. 50% chance to inflict Taunt for 2 turns (2 rounds cooldown).

UltimateCounter Attack

Single Target Damage 60% ATK + 25% per of total HP Lost. Inflicts Bleeding and Blind for 2 turns (3 rounds cooldown).


PrimarySpider WebSingle Target Damage 60% ATK. 80% Chance to inflict Agi Down for 2 Turns.
SecondaryEntanglementPassive: 15% Chance to inflict Stun on damage (1 rounds cooldown).
UltimateSpider BiteSingle Target Damage 110% ATK. 100% Chance to inflict Poison for 2 Turns (3 rounds cooldown).


PrimaryParasiteSingle Target Damage 100% ATK. Heals by 30% of the inflicted Damage.
SecondaryEnergyInflicts ATK Down for 2 Turns on a Single Target (2 rounds cooldown).
UltimateThornsAll Enemies Damage 60% ATK. 40% Chance to deal 15% AP Damage (4 rounds cooldown).

Grilled Chicken

PrimaryBBQ SwekerSingle Target Damage 2x45% ATK. 60% Chance to inflict Burn for 1 Turn.
SecondaryGrease StainSingle Target Damage 80% ATK. If the Target is burning deals True damage instead (1 rounds cooldown).
UltimateBQQ TimeAll Enemies Damage 110% ATK. 60% Chance to inflict Burn for 1 turn. (3 rounds cooldown).

Pumpkin Man

PrimaryPumpkin CrackerSingle Target Damage 100% ATK. 40% Chance to inflict Mute for 2 Turns.
SecondaryOfferReceives 15% Damage but also ATK UP for 2 Turns (3 rounds cooldown).
UltimateRootingReceives Recovery for 3 Turns (5 rounds cooldown).


PrimaryIntimidateSingle Target Damage 90% ATK. 40% Chance to inflict ATK Down for 1 Turn.
SecondaryRip-OffSingle Target Damage 100% ATK. 60% Chance to steal a Buff (2 rounds cooldown).
UltimateRaidAll Enemies Damage 80% ATK. 20% Chance to steal a Buff (4 rounds cooldown).


PrimaryFrostbiteSingle Target Damage 100% ATK. 60% Chance to inflict Freeze for 2 Turns.
SecondaryRabiesPassive: Additionally Inflicts Poison for 2 Turns on Critical Hits (1 rounds cooldown).
UltimateTearSingle Target Damage 3x 33% ATK. 60% Chance to inflict Bleeding for 2 Turns (3 rounds cooldown).

Skeleton Warrior

PrimaryRust BladeSingle Target Damage 90% ATK. 60% Chance to inflict Blind for 2 Turns.
SecondaryProvokeReceives Def Up for 2 Turns. Inflicts Taunt on the primary Target + 1 Random one (2 rounds cooldown).
UltimateBone Trap

Attacks a target for 100% ATK Damage. Repeats the Attack if own HP are below 50% (3 rounds cooldown).


PrimaryDiveSingle Target Damage 100% ATK. Steals 20% AP on Critical Hit.
SecondaryPack TacticsPassive: Whenever an Ally lands a Critical Hit the Raptor also attacks a random Target for 30% ATK (1 rounds cooldown).
UltimateKeen SensesReceives Agi Up and Crit Chance Up for 2 Turns (3 rounds cooldown).


PrimaryWrappingSingle Target Damage 80% ATK. 80% Chance to inflict AGI Down for 2 turns.

Heals an Ally for 25% of the targets max HP (2 rounds cooldown).

UltimatePharaoh's Curse

All Enemies Damage 80% ATK. 80% Chance to inflict Cursed (3 rounds cooldown).


PrimaryZapperSingle Target Damage 100% ATK. 60% Chance to inflict Freeze for 2 Turns.
SecondaryCryostasisReceives Stunned, Invicibility and Recovery for 1 Turn (2 rounds cooldown).
UltimateMothershipAll Enemies Damage 100 % Damage. 60% Chance to inflict Freeze for 2 Turns.


PrimaryGnawingSingle Target Damage 80% ATK. 30% Chance to inflict Def Down for 2 Turns.
SecondaryDam BreachPassiv: Receives Preservation for 2 Turns and gains an extra turn when HP Drop Below 30% (10 rounds cooldown).
UltimateDam ConstructionOne ally receives a shield for 30% of the casters Max HP (3 rounds cooldown).

Infected Mushroom

PrimaryEvil NatureDeals 100% ATK damage to a target. If the target has the poison status, heals himself 20% of the inflicted damage.
SecondarySporesPassive: 100% chance to inflict poison for 2 turns when suffering damage.
UltimateDeep InfectionDeals 100% ATK damage to a target. Inflicts sick for 3 turns. If the target has the poison status, inflicts bleeding for 2 turns.


PrimaryParalysis BladeDeals 2 x 50% AGI damage to a target. Inflicts stunned for 1 turn.
SecondarySkinningPassive: dispels a debuff from themselves at the start of their turn. Receives AGI Up for 2 turns when a debuff is dispelled.
UltimateAcid SprayDeals 80% AGI damage to all enemies. Inflicts poison for 1 turn and AGI Down for 1 turn.

Cursed Pirate

PrimarySnapperDeals 60% ATK damage to a target. If he has a debuff, he transfers it.
SecondaryReloaderPassive: If an enemy is killed by Cursed Pirate, the cooldown of the ultimate skill is reduced by 1 turn.
UltimateBroadsideDeals 140% ATK damage to a target. Receives AGI Up for 2 turns.

Killer Bunny

PrimaryStabberSingle Target Damage 3 x 35% ATK.
SecondaryFrenzySingle Target + 2 Adjacent Ones 100% ATK (2 rounds cooldown).
UltimateCarrot DopingReceives AGI UP for 2 Turns (3 rounds cooldown).


PrimaryGhost ClawSingle Target Damage 100% ATK. 40% Chance to inflict Blind for 2 turns.

Survives fatal damage with 1 HP. Receives Invincibility for 1 turn (15 rounds cooldown).


Single Target Damage + 2 adjacent ones 80% ATK. 60% Chance to inflict Bound (2 rounds cooldown).



PrimaryArcane ThrustSingle Target Damage 100% ATK. 30% ATK damage on two adjacent targets. 60% chance to inflict burn for 2 Turns.
SecondaryGatheringAll Allies Receive ATK UP for 2 Turns and 10% AP (2 rounds cooldown).
UltimateArcane EruptionDeals 100% ATK Damage to all Enemies and 10% True Damage (4 rounds cooldown).


PrimaryHunter's MarkSingle Target Damage 80% ATK + 20% AGI. 100% Chance to inflict Marked for 2 Turns.
SecondarySharpshooterSingle Target Damage 100% ATK + 1 Random Target Damage 80% ATK. Always lands Critical Hits on Marked Targets (2 rounds cooldown).
UltimateArrow HailAll Enemies Damage 110% ATK. Inflicts Marked & Poison for 2 Turns (4 rounds cooldown).


PrimaryShield BashSingle Target Damage 80%DEF. Deals additional 20% AP Damage. 60% chance to inflict Taunt for 1 turn.
SecondaryClaymoreSingle Target Damage 120% DEF. Heals itself by 20% of the inflicted Damage (2 rounds cooldown).
UltimateHoly MissionAll Allies are healed by 25% of their Max HP and receive Def Up for 2 Turns (4 rounds cooldown).


PrimarySnipSingle Target Damage 100% ATK. Heals the lowest HP Ally by 10% of the inflicted Damage.
SecondaryProvisionHeals the Lowest HP Ally by 25% of the Casters Max HP.
UltimatePrecision CutAll Enemies Damage 100%ATK. Inflicts Crit Chance Down for 2 Turns (4 rounds cooldown).


PrimaryFurySingle Target Damage 3x30% ATK. inflicts Crit Chance Down for 1 Turn.
SecondaryVengeful SpiritPassive: Each Time a Team Member dies all Allies receives ATK UP for 2 Turns.
UltimateWailingAll Allies receive SPD UP for 2 Turns. 80% Chance to inflict Bound on all enemies (4 rounds cooldown).

Bandit Captain

PrimaryPlunderSingle Target Damage 30% ATK + 70% DEF. Dispels 1 Buff. If the Dispel is successfull receives Def Up for 1 Turn.
SecondaryProvokerSingle Target Damage 120% ATK. Taunts the target for 1 Turn (2 rounds cooldown).
UltimateBattle CryAll Allies receive Def Up for 2 Turns and Preservation for 1 Turn (4 rounds cooldown).


PrimaryShredSingle target damage 3x35% ATK. 80% chance to inflict Bleeding for 2 Turns.
SecondaryBloodlustPassiv: Receives Absorbing for 2 Turns when Bleeding is inflicted. Receives ATK UP for 1 Turn On Each Kill.
UltimateMeat GrinderRandom Target Damage 6 x 20% ATK. 30% Chance to inflict Bleeding for 2 Turns (4 rounds cooldown).


PrimaryLightsaberSingle target damage 80% ATK and 20% true damage.
Receives a stack of Heating Up.
SecondaryHeating UpAll enemies camage 60% ATK + 20% for each stack of Heating Up.
Inflicts Burn if there are more than 3 stacks of heat UP.
UltimateHeat ProtectionAll allies receive a shield for 15% of the casters max HP. Receives 2 stacks of Heating Up.


PrimaryAxe ThrowSingle target damage 120% ATK. 60% chance to steal 20% AP from the target.
SecondaryRaging DwarfRecevies ATK Up and AGI Up for 1 turn on damage (1 rounds cooldown).
UltimateAxe WhirlAll enemies damage 100% ATK. Damage increases by 10% of the HP the caster has lost.


PrimaryRIghteous BladeSingle target damage 100% ATK. Dispels a Buff.
SecondaryHip SwingAll allies receive AGI UP and ATK UP for 2 Turns.
UltimateMighty FaceAll enemies damage 100%ATK. Deals additional 20% damage for each positive buff on the caster.


PrimarySpellDeals 90% ATK damage to a target. Inflicts ATK Down for 2 turns. Heals the lowest HP allies for 15% o the target's max HP.
SecondaryAuto HealPassive: Heals the ally with the lowest HP for 15% of the target's own max HP at the start of his own turn. Additionally, dispels 1 debuff.
UltimateGenerous CircleHeals all allies by 30% of their max HP. Grants Blessed for 2 turns.


PrimaryBrute ForceDeals 20% HP damage to a target. If the target is poisoned, AP are reduced by 10%.
SecondaryImpactDeals 100% DEF damage to a target. Reduces AP by 30%.
UltimateOnslaughtDeals 130% DEF damage to a target. If own HP are above 70%, increases an enemy cooldown by 1.


PrimaryRock BombSingle target damage 110% DEF. 20% Chance to deal AP damage on crit.
SecondaryRock SkinPassive: Deals 20% DEF damage to the attacker when being inflicted damage.
UltimateTremorSingle target damage 130% DEF. Inflicts Stunned for 1 Turn.


PrimaryTail WhipSingle target damage 100% AGI. Inflicts Bound for 2 Turns.
SecondaryCorrosionSingle target damage 120% AGI. Inflicts Def Down for 2 Turns. Inflicts ATK Down for 2 Turns on critical hits (3 rounds cooldown).
UltimateBlack SlimeAll Enemies Damage 3x40% AGI. Inflicts Poison for 2 Turns (4 rounds cooldown).


PrimaryTormentSingle target damage 80% ATK + 20% AGI damage. 100% chance to inflict Crit Chance Down for 2 turns.
SecondaryRetaliationPassive: If an ally attacks with its primary also attacks for 30% ATK on the same target.
UltimateWhippingAll enemy damage 2 x 55% ATK. Second hit has a 80% chance to inflict ATK Down.


PrimaryStompSingle target damage 2x60% defense. 100% chance to inflict Def Down for 2 turns.
SecondaryTotem of ResistancePassive: Shields all allies for 100% of the casters defense at the start of the turn.
UltimateGuardian SpiritGrants Guard to the lowest HP ally for 2 turns and receives Def Up for 2 Turns (3 rounds cooldown).


PrimaryImpalingSingle target damage 100% ATK. Dispels a buff.
SecondaryRainbowDispels a debuff from one random ally and grants Res UP for 2 turns (1 rounds cooldown).
UltimateGlitter AuraHeals all allies for 30% of the casters max HP and grants Recovery for 2 Turns (3 rounds cooldown).


PrimaryCrystal ShardDeals 90% ATK damage to a target. Inflicts CritC Down for 2 turns. Dispels 1 Buff and deals 30% ATK additional damage if successfull.
SecondaryCrystal SealDeals 3 x 35% ATK damage to a target. Inflicts Bound and DEF Down for 2 turns.
UltimateCrystal ProtectionGrants all allies Crit Resist for 2 turns and Immunity for 1 turn.



PrimaryMjöllnirSingle Target Damage 120% ATK. Inflicts Mjöllnir. When Thor has it’s Turn again Mjöllnir Returns and inflicts 80% Damage on Targets with Mjöllnir.
SecondaryOdin's BlessingReceives Invincibility for 1 turn and Recovery and Crit Damage UP for 2 turns.
UltimateRagnarökAll enemies damage 3 x 60% ATK. Inflicts ATK Down + Def Down for 2 Turns.

Murdering Mass

PrimarySlime BombSingle target damage 100% ATK. 100% chance to inflict AGI Down for 2 Turns. Additionally hits 2 adjacent enemies for 80% ATK.
SecondarySlime LayerReceives a shield of 20% of its Max HP and Recovery at the start of the turn.
UltimateWeapon HoarderAll enemies damage 100% ATK. Damage increases by 25% of own lost HP. Inflicts AGI Down for 2 turns.

Undead Dragon

PrimaryIce BreathSingle target ATK damage 120%. Inflicts Freeze for 2 Turn.
When the target is below 50% of its Max HP,  he is Stunned for 1 Turn.
SecondaryFrozen HeartPassive: Each received debuff generates one stack of Frozen HeartWhen receiving fatal damage the Undead Dragon is revived and healed by 50% of its Max HP + 15% for each stack of Frozen Heart.
UltimateFrost FlameDamage to all enemies: 110% ATK damage. 60% chance to inflict Freeze + Burn for 2 Turns.


PrimaryFlame WhipDamage to all enemies is 110% ATK damage. Additionally, there is a 60% chance to inflict Burn for 2 turns. Receives 1 stack of Hellfire.
SecondaryFlame PillarSingle target ATK damage 150%. Inflicts Stunned for 1 turn if the Prellbog is in Hellfire Mode.
UltimateHellfireReceives Hellfire Mode for 2 turns + 1 additional turn for each stack of Hellfire. Hellfire Mode increases the Prellbogs ATK by 40%, AGI by 20% and amplifies the secondary skill.


PrimaryPumpkin BombDeals 80% ATK damage to a target and 2adjacent enemies. Burning targets receive additional 20% damage.
SecondaryReaperDeals 140% ATK damage to a target. Receives an extra turn if the target is killed.
UltimateStakeDeals 110% ATK damage to all enemies. Inflicts Burn for 2 Turns. If Burn is inflicted, Cursed is also inflicted for 2 turns.


PrimarySky SpearDeals 140% ATK damage to a target. Inflicts Marked for 2 Turns. On critical hit her own AP increases by 20%.
SecondaryValhalla's RetributionAll enemies damage 120% ATK. Receives Crit Damage Up for 3 turns.
UltimateValhalla's CallingAll allies receive Crit Chance Up for 3 turns + Immunity for 1 turns. Increases all allies AP by 30%.


PrimaryAbyssDeals 110% ATK damage to a target. Heals the ally with the lowest P by 30% of the inflicted damage.
SecondarySiren's SongPassive: At the start of each turn 100% chance to inflict Sleep on a random enemy. Inflicting Sleep heals Siren by 20% of her max HP.
UltimateHealing FloodDeals 120% ATK damage to all enemies. She distributes 80% of the damage dealt as heaing between all allies, and removes 1 debuff.


PrimaryZenDeals 120% ATK damage to a target + 10% AP damage. Inflicts AGI Down for 2 turns.
SecondaryMeditationCreates a shield for 150% of own Attack for all allies.
UltimateSermonHeals all allies by 100% of own ATK and reduces all cooldowns by 1 turn.


PrimaryBone SpearsDeals 100% ATK damage to a target +60% ATK damage to 3 adjacent enemies. If the Primary target has at least 2 debuffs, Lilith steals 30% AP and distributes them among allies.
SecondaryEliminationDeals 2 x 60% ATK damage to a target. Inflicts Stunned for 2 turns if the target has no buffs.
UltimateRevelationDeals 120% ATK damage to all enemies. Steals 30% AP and distributes it among allies.