Here, you can find more information about your primary and secondary statistics.

Primary Stats

Below is a detailed table of the primary stats "Hit Points", "Attack", "Defense", "Agility", "Critical Chance", "Critical Damage", "Accuracy" and "Resistance" describing their in-game purposes.

Hit PointsMaximum health points.
AttackAttack damage dealt to enemies (only relevant if skill damage is based on ATK stat).
DefenseReduces damage when being attacked.
AgilityInfluences how fast AP (Action Points) bar grows.
Critical ChanceChance to do a critical hit.
Critical DamageA certain % of damage is applied for critical hits.
AccuracyIncreases chance to apply negative status effects.
ResistanceDecreases chance to receive negative status effects.

Secondary Stats

Elite DamageA certain % of damage which is added when attacking a boss.
Healing EfficiencyA certain % of additional heal when healing others.
Healing RecoveryA certain % of additional heal when being healed.
Fire DamageA certain % of additional damage for fire hero type.
Nature DamageA certain % of additional damage for nature hero type.
Water DamageA certain % of additional damage for water hero type.
Light DamageA certain % of additional damage for light hero type.
Shadow DamageA certain % of additional damage for shadow hero type.
Fire ResistanceA certain % of damage reduction when attacked by a fire hero type.
Nature ResistanceA certain % of damage reduction when attacked by a nature hero type.
Water ResistanceA certain % of damage reduction when attacked by a water hero type.
Light ResistanceA certain % of damage reduction when attacked by a light hero type.
Shadow ResistanceA certain % of damage reduction when attacked by a shadow hero type.