Here, you can find more information about your primary and secondary statistics.
Primary Stats
Below is a detailed table of the primary stats "Hit Points", "Attack", "Defense", "Agility", "Critical Chance", "Critical Damage", "Accuracy" and "Resistance" describing their in-game purposes.
Hit Points | Maximum health points. |
Attack | Attack damage dealt to enemies (only relevant if skill damage is based on ATK stat). |
Defense | Reduces damage when being attacked. |
Agility | Influences how fast AP (Action Points) bar grows. |
Critical Chance | Chance to do a critical hit. |
Critical Damage | A certain % of damage is applied for critical hits. |
Accuracy | Increases chance to apply negative status effects. |
Resistance | Decreases chance to receive negative status effects. |
Secondary Stats
Elite Damage | A certain % of damage which is added when attacking a boss. |
Healing Efficiency | A certain % of additional heal when healing others. |
Healing Recovery | A certain % of additional heal when being healed. |
Fire Damage | A certain % of additional damage for fire hero type. |
Nature Damage | A certain % of additional damage for nature hero type. |
Water Damage | A certain % of additional damage for water hero type. |
Light Damage | A certain % of additional damage for light hero type. |
Shadow Damage | A certain % of additional damage for shadow hero type. |
Fire Resistance | A certain % of damage reduction when attacked by a fire hero type. |
Nature Resistance | A certain % of damage reduction when attacked by a nature hero type. |
Water Resistance | A certain % of damage reduction when attacked by a water hero type. |
Light Resistance | A certain % of damage reduction when attacked by a light hero type. |
Shadow Resistance | A certain % of damage reduction when attacked by a shadow hero type. |