
  • Quests: The thirst for adventure reward for completing daily quests has been increased from 10 to 25.
  • Trader: Thirst for adventure can now be bought twice a day instead of the previous limit of once per day at the regular shop.
  • Arena: The arena season duration has been modified to span 30 days from Mobile Dungeon’s launch date, ensuring it no longer concludes prematurely.
  • Rifts: The thirst for adventure costs to enter a rift in the early stages has been decreased from 6 to 5, while in the later stages, it has been lowered from 8 to 6.
  • Adjusted the difficulty level of certain units:
    • Light Titan: Reduced health and increased shield cooldowns.
    • Skeleton: Increased the cooldown time for reviving.
  • The display of thirst for adventure will now update accurately.

Fixed Bugs

  • Fights failed to be verified:
    • If a fight fails to be verfied the invested costs will now be refunded.
    • The occurrence of errors during fights that cannot be verified should be minimized, particularly in towers.
  • Dungeons: You will no longer get stuck when you lack heroes to substitute during a dungeon run.
  • Stages: In Stage 5-5 of Split Canyon, the unlocking process will now occur as intended.
  • Localiziation
    • Numerous status effect translations have been fixed.
    • The Sphynx localization that was previously missing has now been included.