World Fusion
World Fusion Overview
Here you can find a summary of all the worlds that have been fused together into one world.Fusion 1Worlds from America, Canada & Mexico....
How will I be notified of an imminent world fusion?
If a world fusion is imminent, a daily pop-up will be displayed for a certain period. An in-game message will also be sent.
What will happen on the day of the world fusion?
On the day of the world fusion, the world will be frozen at day change. As soon as the background work is completed, the characters on the n...
How can I log into a character after a world fusion?
You can log in as usual via the character selection after a world fusion. Characters affected by a world fusion should still be listed and a...
What will happen if multiple characters have the same name?
Characters with the same name will be renamed, and users will have the opportunity to rename their characters once at their first login on t...
Can I play multiple characters on merged worlds?
You are not allowed to create another character on a merged world if at least one of your characters has been moved to a merged world.Howeve...
What will happen to my characters during the world fusion?
All characters will be transferred to the new merged world. However, only one character per origin world can be played.Level 15 characters o...
What happens to the guilds during the world fusion?
Guilds will be transferred, as long as there are still members left after character deletion.However, all guilds must have unique names. In ...
What happens if a guild leader is deleted during the world fusion?
If a guild leader is deleted during the merge, the highest-level officer becomes the new guild leader. If there are no officers, the highest...
How will the world fusion affect the Hall of Fame?
The Heroes' Hall of Fame calculation will be Honor/2, but not exceeding the honor value of the top player from an old world with the lowest ...
What is the daily limit on income from Hall of Fame fights?
The income per day from Hall of Fame fights is limited to 100 million gold to prevent abusive behavior when multiple characters of a player ...
What happens to the original worlds?
After a successful world fusion, the original worlds are deactivated and are no longer accessible.
What is the meaning of the world fusion that was announced recently?
The world fusion is a process of combining less active worlds in order to foster more rivalry and increase daily gameplay activity. It's a s...
What was the cause for the delay in implementing the world fusion?
The world fusion was put on hold due to challenges faced during and after the backend migration.
Can any number of worlds be merged?
Yes, there are no restrictions on the number of worlds that can be merged.
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