
In the upper section of the guild overview you will find some useful information about the guild:

  • Rank
  • Number of members
  • Hall of knights points
  • Treasure
  • Instructor
  • Raids

Hover over the respective icon to get more detailed information.

Guild Overview

In the lower part of the guild overview you will find two tabs: Description and Requirements.


The guild leader can enter and edit a guild description here. Typically, the guild description shows the guild’s intention and if they have specific requirements for their members.


In the requirements tab you will find information about the required guild chat language. The guild leader can set it up and decide whether he wants to set up a preferred chat language or if there is no preference.


On top of the members section you can see how many members the guild has and the guild members’ level range (from lowest to highest and the average level) as well as the number of knights in your guild.

Guild Members


In the fight tab you will see a guild members list with more specific information for each member:

  • Rank / Name / Level
  • Activity – shows when the member was online
  • Potions – shows which potions a member has currently in use
  • Fight – shows if a member has registered or done specific guild fights


Similar to the fight tab you will find a guild member list here with information about the members’ upgrade levels for the guild features

  • Treasure
  • Instructor
  • Hall of Knights
  • Guild pet


Options for Guild Members

You can leave the guild here by using the Leave Guild button.

Options for Guild Leaders

If you have invited players to your guild or if you have set up vacancies, those will be displayed here.

Invite Guild Members

If you would like to invite a specific player click the invite button, enter the player’s character name and hit the send button to send the invitation.

Post Vacancies

If you would like to provide the option to other players to enter your guild, you can set up vacancies by entering the minimum level players need to have to enter your guild.

Manage Guild Members

Scroll further down in the management tab to see the guild member list. You have the option to promote or demote guild members here. Use the respective option to either promote or demote a guild member. You can also kick members out of your guild here.

Promote Guild Members
  • Promote to Officer: Officers are allowed to start guild fights, invite players from the hall of fame, kick regular members, and upgrade the guild but cannot start raids, or change the guild description and coat of arms.
  • Nominate Guild Leader: If you want to give up your guild leadership you can nominate an officer to become guild leader. The former guild leader will automatically being demoted to an officer.
Demote Guild Members
  • Demote to Regular Member: Officers can be demoted to a regular member by the guild leader.
  • Kick Regular Member: Regular members can be kicked out of the guild.
  • Demote Guild Leader: After 21 days of inactivity, officers can demote and replace an inactive guild leader.



Upgrading the treasure increases the gold received from expeditions and the city guard. The higher the treasure is upgraded, the higher the bonus for each member.

Upgrading the treasure costs either gold or gold and mushrooms.


Upgrading the instructor increases the XP gained from expeditions. The further the instructor is upgraded, the higher your bonus will be.

Upgrading the instructor costs either gold or gold and mushrooms.

Guild Pet

The guild leader can select a guild pet as soon as the following conditions are met: The guild leader has a pet with at least level 100, has reached a character level of at least 150 and the guild consists of at least ten members.

When fighting the Hydra, the level of the guild pet plays a decisive role. The maximum guild pet level is calculated via the average level of the 25 members who have the highest main attribute.

Each member’s contribution to the guild pet can be increased beyond the calculated maximum. However, this has no effect on the level of the guild pet in the fight against the Hydra. The maximum level that the guild pet can reach is 600.

Upgrading the guild pet costs either gold or gold and mushrooms.



An attack allows the guild leader and their officers to declare a raid or an attack on another guild. You fight against strong monsters in raids that will reward all members with XP if they win. For the first 50 raids, the guild receives ten skill points each for the treasure and the instructor.

As soon as an attack is started, the members have ten hours to sign up for it. Any member who does not sign up will not take part in the fight. The guild leader or officer who started the attack is automatically signed up. After the attack, there is a 90-minute rest during which no new guild attack can be started. Any guild that is 20 places or 3,000 honor away from your own guild can be attacked. When defeating another guild, the guild receives honor for the guild hall of fame

The giant mushroom catapult can be charged with mushrooms to inflict damage on a random opponent before the fight begins

Members can take part in raids or attacks if their membership exceeds 24 hours.


If your guild is attacked, members can sign up for its defense. Similar to attacks, members have ten hours to sign up for the defense, or they automatically take part with only half of their hit points. If the defense is successful, the guild receives honor for the guild hall of fame. Members must have been in the guild for at least 24 hours in order to be allowed so take part in the defense.

Guild Pet vs. Hydra

You fight against the Hydra with the guild pet. Each member can attack the Hydra once a day. With every head cut off, the Hydra grows a new head. Each defeated Hydra head grants an XP bonus of +25% when the daily reward packs from the task list are claimed.

Guild Portal

The guild portal can be entered by all members who have reached at least level 99 and have been in the guild for more than 24 hours. Each member can enter the guild portal once a day and fight the current monster in it. The enemy in the guild portal regenerates 10% of their maximum hit points every day. For each enemy defeated, all guild members receive a bonus of +1% to their attack damage. There is a total of 50 enemies in the guild portal.