You can lure unprepared heroes into your underworld every day. Defeat them to gain their souls. Selecing a hero is simple. The higher the upgrade level of the underworld gate, the more heroes can be selected in the Hall of Fame and lured into your underworld by clicking the sword icon on the avatar. However, the maximum is five per day.

The button "Lure hero" automatically suggests a suitable opponent according to the "Max. souls level". You can lure heroes directly or use "Lure hero" to lure another player from the Hall of Fame or from your friends list in your mail.

If a lured hero is defeated, you will receive souls as a reward. The amount depends on two factors:

  1. The upgrade level of the torture chamber
  2. The level of the defeated hero

The "Max. souls level" which is displayed by moving your mouse over the "Lure hero..." button is increased by 1 for every defeated enemy and is decreased by 5 if you lose a fight.

The honor points in the Hall of Fame reflect this value and, thus, provide the rank you have. If the honor points are equal, the strrength of the Keeper decides about the order.

When luring opponents whose character level is equal to or higher than your own "Max. souls level", you will receive the maximum number of souls that can be won. The bigger the gap, the fewer souls you win.

As long as the dialog window for luring a player is not closed, the same opponent will be suggested again after the battle. If you are unhappy with the suggestion, you can simply close the dialog and open it again, or use "Lure hero..." to lure another opponent into your underworld.

As the defeated hero loses neither souls nor units, friends won't be offended when you lure and attack them.

If your "Max. souls level" value is higher than the character level of the highest player in your game world, you will get the max. number of souls even if you lured and defeated that player.

The player with the highest character level in a game world receives as many souls as the player next in rank.