The Goblin Gleeman (bell icon), the guild (coat of arms icon), the mailbox (letter icon) and the wheel of fortune (wheel of fortune icon) are located under the menu item quarters.

Quarter Menu

All these game elements can also be accessed via the corresponding building in the city.

Quarter Buildings

The Goblin Gleeman offers you daily tasks and weekly event tasks. If you complete these tasks, you will be rewarded by the Goblin Gleeman.

You can also collect your login bonus from the Goblin Gleeman.

If rewards or the login bonus are due for collection, this is indicated by a flashing exclamation mark in the menu or on the juggler goblin tent. If, for example, no event tasks are currently available, this is symbolized by a lock.

Goblin Gleeman


In this section of the game you can either find a guild to join or found your own guild if you are not yet a guild member.

Once you have joined a guild you will find all relevant information about the guild here, e.g. the guild member list or if you can register for a guild fight. If you are the guild leader you can manage your guild in this section.


In your mail you can read messages and send messages to other players from character level 10. Guild news, fight results and general messages also end up in the inbox.

Message Limit

Character LevelDaily Limit for Message Sending


The inbox can hold up to 100 messages. When it is full, only general messages from Playa Games can be received. Other players will not be able to write you again until messages are deleted and there is space in the inbox again.

New messages appear in the message list in white, whereas read messages are dark yellow.


News from Playa Games will be automatically deleted after a few days.

Friends List

If you have added other players as friends or ignored them, you will find them in the list here. Ignored players can no longer write messages to you.

Fight Messages

Fight messages are only created if there was something to win or lose in the fight.

Up to 50 fight messages are stored. When a new fight message is delivered, the oldest fight message is automatically deleted.

Fight messages are automatically deleted after 14 days. You can save up to 100 fight messages from deletion by pinning the message. Pinned fight messages are displayed at the top of the inbox.

Guild Messages

If you want to share something with your entire guild, you can do so by clicking the guild icon on the right when writing a message.

Guild message

Dr. Abawuwu

You can spin Dr. Abawuwu's wheel of fortune up to 20 times a day.

The first try is always free. Each additional time costs either a mushroom or 10 Lucky Coins you can gain by watching ads with the Flying Tube or as a reward for certain events. The Flying Tube only appears if it is not disabled in the options. The Steam version does not support ads.

Since the amount of XP, gold and items that can be gained depends on the character level, you should only spin the wheel at the end of the day. In addition, Dr. Abawuwu grants a bonus to XP and gold during XP and gold events.

The Wheel of Fortune comes in two variants.

Wheel of Fortune 1

Up to character level 124, you can randomly win XP, gold, wood, stone, items and mushrooms. Stone and wood are available in different amounts. With a little luck, you can even win an epic item.

Wheel of Fortune 1

Wheel of fortune 2

After reaching character level 125 and unlocking pets, underworld and blacksmith you get the chance to find the second version of the wheel of fortune on a quest, but only if the quest does not rewards you with an item.

The spots for small amounts of wood, stone and gold of wheel of fortune 1 are replaced by fruits, souls and arcane splinters.

After the wheel of fortune was upgraded, resetting the wheel to version 1 is not possible.

Wheel of Fortune 2