Fights, the second menu item, gathers all fight related features: the arena (weapon icon), dungeons (dungeon icon) and pets (pet icon).

Fights Menu

All those features can also be accessed via the respective building in the city.

Fight Buildings


In the arena three random players from the hall of fame are ready to fight that have a similar rank to your own character.

If you defeat your opponent, you win gold, honor points for the hall of fame and XP up to ten times a day. The gain in honor and gold depends on the honor difference between the opponents. If this difference is too big (from about 950 honor), you don't win anything. If you move your mouse pointer over the profile picture of the opponents or tap a little longer, you can see where theirs strengths and weaknesses lie.

The fights are turn-based. With each round, "rage" increases, which ensures that the blows become more powerful with each round and deal more damage.

If you want to specifically attack certain teammates, this is possible via the hall of fame. However, these fights are not rewarded with XP.

After each fight you have to wait ten minutes until a new arena fight is possible. You can skip the waiting time by spending a mushroom.

Past fights can be watched again by clicking on the "Fights" tab in your mail. Fight reports are saved for a certain time there.



In the light and shadow worlds which can be accessed via the Fights menu (dungeon icon) or via the dungeon building in the city), there are several dungeons each in which monsters are waiting to be defeated in battle. In addition, at certain points of the game progress some special dungeons will be unlocked (demon portal, tower, twister and continuous loop of idols) which can also be accessed from the same menu.


At the beginning you can only enter light world. You can unlock shadow world later.

To enter a dungeon, you must find the appropriate key first. Usually you find keys on quests. Certain keys can also be bought in the weapon or magic shop, found in the gem mine or found as a result of previously completed goals and tasks.

In the game content overview you can find information about the conditions that must be met to unlock a dungeon.


Rewards for defeating a dungeon enemy include XP, gold and, with a 50% chance, items which in turn can be epic items with another 50% chance.


From level 75 you get the chance to find a nest with valuable eggs on an expedition or quest.

Pet Nest

Click on the pet icon in the Fights menu or the corresponding building in the city to get to the pets. This will directly give you five of the 100 available pets. The first three pets of each element are randomly generated.

At first, your pet knowledge is limited to three pets per element. Known pets can be hatched from eggs that can be found after meeting certain requirements concerning quests or other parts of the game. Eggs you find are wiggling in the appropriate place in the pet area. Clicking an egg will immediately hatch it.

Hatched pets can be fed fruit obtained after winning pet fights, gained from the Wheel of Fortune, as quest rewards or as event rewards. Each pet only likes fruit of its element and can be fed up to a maximum of three times a day.

To discover more pets, you have to defeat a pet in its habitat. Then the next pet is unlocked.

Each element has 20 pets. Pets can be fed up to level 200. Upgrading your pets is limited to level 100 until all habitats have been unlocked. 

The pets of each element can compete against pets of another player once per day. Accordingly, five pet fights are possible every day. For each victorious fight you get a fruit of the day. If you lose, the only negative consequence is that you will not receive any fruit.

On quests fruits can be found with a certain chance, but only if you do not receive an item. When searching for fruits, you should ignore quests with guaranteed items. Certain events offer a higher chance of fruits.


If you point your mouse pointer over the names of the elements above (1), you can see how many pets of the element you already explored and found. You also get an overview of how many pets you have in total.

2: active pet

3: pet food of the different elements

4: stats of the active pet

5: pet habitat. Fight pets to unlock them first, then collect them by meeting certain requirements

6: pet fights against other players