The tavern, the first menu item in the navigation bar, is the place where you can select and accept expeditions. The expedition givers are next to the counter.

You always get two expeditions to choose from. During an expedition you will gain different gold rewards, XP (experience points), honor (for the Hall of Fame) and occasionally items. Each expedition consumes a certain amount of Thirst for Adventure. You can see how much thirst is left by looking at the displayed meter in the tavern.

In the middle and at the end of an expedition thirst will run automatically. A timer informs you how long you are still on the expedition.

If you would like to do quests instead of expeditions you can activate those to be displayed in the tavern in the settings.


After consuming your entire Thirst for Adventure, you have two options to refill it:

  • You can interact with the bartender, spend a mushroom on a beer and get 20 minutes of new Thirst for Adventure.
  • At midnight, your Thirst for Adventure is refilled to 100, and the beer counter is reset.

More functions of the tavern:

Via the tavern further game features can be accessed: