Tap your avatar to display your character in detail.

Character Screen

On top of the character screen your currently equipped items, the avatar, name, your guild, level and class are displayed.

Tapping the avatar lets you change your look for 1 mushroom.

In the character screen you can unequip or exchange items by tapping on them and using the respective function in the context menu. You can even navigate directly to the blacksmith or witch if you want to exchange runes, insert a gem socket, socket a gem, enchant items, or upgrade attributes when tapping on an item and selecting the respective function.


After unlocking the tower in Light World you will see your companion's avatars on the bottom of the screen. To display your companions, view and equip them, tap on the respective avatar.



You find your attributes below your currently equipped items. Tap the "+" icon to upgrade an attribute. Upgrades cost more and more gold up to a maximum of 10 million gold for an attribute point. Hold the "+"-icon to increase an attribute quickly.

Tap and hold attribute to display further information on attributes and what is important for your class including your armor. The armor value is based on your level and will increase or decrease depending on your opponent's level.

Below your attributes you will find three slots for potions. If potions are active you will see a timer which displays the duration until a potion will expire. Attributes affected by a potion will be highlighted in the respective potion color.



You can find the mannequin in the weapon shop after collecting 1,000 runes in the arena manager. When found it will be activated instantly and you can get to it via the mannequin icon on the bottom right of the characters screen.

You can use the mannequin to swap items quickly.

For example, if you have equipped the mannequin with items and runes that are strong against a certain element, you can change the equipment before fighting a certain dungeon opponent by using the swap button on the bottom of the character screen, left of the mannequin icon. The equipment will be swapped with the mannequin. Tap it again to restore the default equipment.


Character Description

Add a character description here. It will be visible to any other player who visits your profile. Max length of your character description is 240 characters incl. blanks.


Character Info

Displays your character's hall of fame rank and the progress of your scrapbook (both icons are clickable and will lead you to the hall of fame or the library of meticulousness respecitively) and will find information aobut you ractive rune bonus, active enchantments, and active upgrades from your equipped items. If you mouseover over each category you will see more detailed information.

The lower section shows your mount including the runtime and your character class.


Character Interactions

In the interactions tab of your own character you can open the editor to change your character's look.

Character Interactions

In the interactions tab of a foreign character have the options to attack a character in the arena, write a message to the player, compare your and the target player’s values, lure the player into the underworld, add the player as a friend, and to ignore the player so that he cannot write messages to you anymore. If you have ignored someone, you can lift revert the status in the interactions tab again.

If you are guild leader or officer you can send a guild invitation from this screen.


On the right side you will find a small backpack icon. Tap on it and your backpack opens, ranging from five to 50 slots, depending on treasury upgrades in the fortress.

You can equip and unequip items by tapping them and using the context menu.

Opening the context menu when right tapping on an item in your backpack allows you to dismantle, sell or sacrifice it. You can also go directly to the blacksmith or the witch to swap runes, extract gems, add a gem socket, socket a gem, or upgrade items by tapping the respective icon in the context menu.

Gold Frame

Frame Dealer

The gold frame tcan be bought for 1,000 mushrooms at the frame dealer which can be found at the mushroom dealer.

Apart from looking cool, the gold frame does not have any advantage. If you bought it and don't want to use it anymore, you can disable it in the game options. It can be activated at any time again.