Here you can find all the in-game rankings. The rank of your own character is highlighted. You can search for other players or guilds by entering either the rank as a number or the full name in the search field below.

Players already attacked in the current game session are displayed in a darker color.

Hero Hall of Fame (HOF)

In the heroes' Hall of Fame all players of a game world are sorted in descending order of honor.

Honor is gained or lost when fighting against other players.

By clicking the crossed swords on the avatar, you can attack the player. The plus "+" on the character image can be used to open further interaction options.

Guild Hall of Fame

The guild rankings of a game world are sorted in descending order of honor.

A guild gains or loses honor when it fights against other guilds.

On the right side you can see the public guild description, the guild's coat of arms and if it can currently be attacked. The magnifying glass can be used to view the list of members.

Fortress Hall of Fame

The fortress rankings of a game world are sorted in descending order of fortress honor.

Honor is gained or lost when fighting against other fortresses.

Pet Hall of Fame

The pet rankings of a game world are sorted by pet honor in descending order.

You gain or lose honor when you fight against other players' pets.

Underworld Hall of Fame

The underworld rankings of a game world are sorted in descending order by underworld honor.

Honor is gained or lost by luring and fighting other heroes.

The honor value in the Hall of Fame represents the "max. souls from level" value.

International Hall of Fame (IHOF)

The world icon next to the search box takes you to the rankings for international guilds and heroes.

Once a day, the honor of all players from all game worlds is checked and sorted by honor in descending order. Then every world sends its best guild and its best player into battle for the international crown every day at 18 CET/6 p.m. The fight results will be published at midnight.

Determining rankings works the same for players and guilds: The player ranked last in the International Hall of Fame fights against the player ranked second to last. If the player ranked last wins, he/she swaps ranks with the player in front of him and both of them get to see that fight the next day. If the player ranked last loses the fight, then only he/she is shown the fight and the player ranked second to last may fight against the player one rank above - and gets to see this fight. This is how it goes on and on all the way to the top.

In the special case that the player ranked third fights against the player ranked second and wins, the player ranked first does not have to defend his/her position that day and remains unchallenged at the top of the International Hall of Fame.

The results are deployed to the game worlds at 12 CET/noon and the rankings will be updated. After that, the new international rankings can be seen for the next 24 hours.

If a player loses rank 1 in their local world, the new first placed player will enter the International Hall of Fame directly in the position of his/her predecessor and replaces that player for the next upcoming battle.